Boise High Choir is going to Carnegie Hall!

The Boise High Choir will be tabling and performing at the Boise Co-op from 4 pm - 7 pm on Friday, February 5th and 9 am - 5 pm on Saturday, February 6th in order to help support their upcoming trip to Carnegie Hall in New York.

For nearly the entire history of Boise High School, a musical legacy has followed one of already well-known academics. Musical education has been shown to enhance nearly every aspect of student life, including academic performance. Boise High has recently been blessed with a highly successful choir director in Mr. David Burton and he, along with many talented and motivated students, have enabled the choirs to soar even higher than before, putting them on the path to national recognition.

At a competition in Seattle this year, the auditioned Boise High choir, High Expectations, received a gold award. This achievement has enabled the choir the opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall, a very prestigious venue in New York City. The choir will perform in a large ensemble while working with renowned industry professionals while in New York.  

This is a unique and wonderful opportunity for Boise High Students to visit New York City and experience some of the amazing sights and sounds of the Big Apple.

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