We love giving our customers the chance to sample products and connect directly with the amazing vendors behind the items we carry! If you’re interested in hosting a demo at the Boise Co-op Market, you’re in the right place. Our vendor demos are a fantastic way to introduce your products to our community, share your brand story, and receive valuable feedback from Co-op shoppers. 

We welcome demos that align with our values of sustainability, quality, and community. Please fill out the form below with your contact information, product details, and preferred demo dates. Once submitted, a member of our Community Engagement Team will reach out to coordinate and confirm your demo schedule. We look forward to working with you and sharing your products with our Co-op community!


Local Day Sale

  • Our Local Day Sale is the first and third Friday of every month, with discounts on all local products—great for connecting with customers! Sampling for this event is only available for Boise Co-op Market “Local” Vendors. This includes all Idaho-owned business’ and vendors within 150 miles of our location.

General Demos & Sampling

  • Looking to sample a product outside of our Local Day Sale demo times? We do weekly beer and wine tastings, and new vendors like to sample as often as possible to get the word out about their new products! Please indicate your requested days and times below!

Sign Up to Demo!

Sampling Guidelines – Boise Co-op

  • All products must be kept below 41°F.

  • Only products we currently carry may be sampled, and vendors must be active with the Boise Co-op Market.

  • Gloves must be worn when handling food and replaced after touching non-food items (e.g., phone, clothing).

  • Hair coverings (hats, hair nets, or beard nets) are required—hats are available if needed.

For general questions or inquiries on sampling your products at the Boise Co-op Market, please email