We're proud to have partnered with Ironside Roasting Co. to bring their blending artistry into high gear with four exclusive coffee blends for the Boise Co-op! Seasoned coffee roaster Colin Seeley, the founder of Ironside Roasting Co., is exploring new turf with Boise Co-op Co-llective Coffee, which features unique and custom blends from the hills of Columbia to the small farms of Ethiopia.
Light Roast
Guatemala Alma Cooperative
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe
Tasting notes: Honey, Floral, Orange Blossom
Dark Roast
Colombia Corazon
Papua New Guinea
Brazil Porta Rossa
Tasting notes: Dark Chocolate, Toasted Walnuts, Oak
Medium Roast
Colombia Passiflora
Brazil Porta Rossa
Ethiopia Guji grade 2 or 3
Tasting notes: Milk Chocolate, Almond, Caramel
Decaf Blend
Tasting notes: Chocolate, toffee with a sweet and tangy finish.
For every pound of Boise Co-op Co-llective Coffee that we sell, one dollar is donated to a local non-profit. Our Co-llective Coffee For A Cause recipient this quarter is the Ridge to Rivers Trail System. This partnership is in collaboration with Iron Mule, a local coffee vendor and roaster for Co-llective Coffee.
Ironside Roasting aims to weave the stories of great coffee, vibrant community, and fuel life’s adventures. Colin Seeley, founder of Ironside Roasting Co., and Matt Bishop, founder of Café Mulé, along with Richard the Mule, joined together in 2018 to be your one-stop-shop for all things coffee in Idaho's Treasure Valley and beyond. You can find Cafe Mule and Direct Access coffee on the shelves of the Village and North End Boise Co-op locations.