Wellness Tuesday Tips: Flower Power

Come January I am even more dedicated to self-pampering and treating myself with flowers. Buying a bouquet every week, I delight in filling vases of all sizes and placing them here and there, in anticipation of spring. My latest obsession is succulents, a feast for the eyes!

 What does that have to do with Wellness you ask? Bringing nature indoors reduces mental fatigue, being greeted with beauty reduces stress and is a creative outlet.

 Also, flower oils are exceptionally effective for dry winter skin. I have discovered that simple ingredients like rosehip seed oil, calendula, lavender and neroli leave my skin and senses feeling super luxurious.

 Rosehip seed oil is unmatched for fading scars and brightening skin, due to high concentrations of vitamins A, C and E. It reduces the impact of environmental stressors, along with supporting firmness and improving skin texture.

 Calendula oil is made from marigold flowers soaked in olive oil; useful for healing red, cracked and itchy skin. Gentle enough to apply to delicate skin, perfectly safe for babies.

 Neroli is the waxy flower of the orange tree, is both uplifting and calming to the nervous system. I think it smells divine, mixing it with vetiver will add a grounding component.

 Lavender, of course, is the classic cell regenerator. Lovely mixed with rosehip seed oil as a night time moisturizer.

 If you have not explored our essential oil area, please do! There is an endless array of products to explore in our compact area— it is one of my happy places.


Earth laughs in flowers.

           Ralph Waldo Emerson