Pets and COVID: Prepping Our Furry Friends For Our Return To Work

Our pets have been an amazing source of comfort and entertainment while we sheltered in place during the coronavirus crisis. They’ve taken our extra cuddles, longer walks, and undivided attention in-stride as we became accustomed to a slower, more home-centered life. As Idaho starts to reopen and we return to our previous schedules (remember, the routine where we actually left the house?), let’s not forget about our furry friends. Because this transition affects ALL of us.

Here are a few ways to help your animals adapt to their “new normal” and how the Co-op can help you care for your beloved animal companions through this transition:


Keep spending quality time together!

While you might not be spending full days together post-quarantine, you can make the most of your newly limited time with some pet-friendly activities.

  1. Boise has no shortage of dog-friendly parks that allow for off-leash play. See the full list from the City of Boise here and pay extra attention to the hours listed as some parks only allow dogs to be off-leash in the mornings and evenings.

  2. Check out the Morris Hill Park for a fenced play space that includes extra pooch perks like a doggie drinking fountain and agility training toys.

  3. Want to get a bit more energy out? Boise’s entire Ridge to River trail system is open to dogs, including some off-leash areas. Enjoy a quick hike around Camel’s Back or give your pooch a little more room to roam on a controlled off-leash trail like Crestline—just make sure to follow the trail etiquette outlined here.


For once - play with their food!

Food can be a wonderful motivator. Here's some creative ways to get your doggies salivating and stimulated at the same time.

  1. Set-up a scavenger hunt for your dogs by hiding treats in the backyard or around the house. These simple games allow your dog to use their nose and practice their hunting instincts.

  2. Try out a puzzle feeder to help your pet pass the time while you’re away at work. These feeders can also be put in your dog’s crate to help keep them entertained and get them accustomed to spending more time there again. Our Pet Shop employees can help you find the right puzzle feeder to meet a variety of different needs ranging from teething puppies, to fast eaters, to mental stimulation.


Healthy foods help with healthy behaviors

Just like us, the food we feed our animals impacts their health—including their mental health. Not all dog food is created equal, and at the Co-op we believe our pets deserve to eat as healthfully as we do! That’s why we offer the best all-natural and premium pet foods, many of which are certified organic. Our curated selection of pet foods supports the foundation of good health for our animal companions—balanced nutrition. And you can still support our local economy in the pet aisle, too! Our Pet Shop is stocked with local options like raw dog food from Idahound or treats from Boise Bones, B’Arc, and the American Ostrich Farms.    


Spoil them a little – or a lot!

Although some pets may relish a bit of peace and quiet, others may experience some separation anxiety during their newfound alone time. A new toy won’t be a replacement for you, but it can help pass the time while they wait for your return, giving a non-shoe or sofa target for their anxiety-induced chewfests.

The Boise Co-op’s Pet Shop is celebrating it’s EIGHTH anniversary this June 22nd through the 28th where you can save 25% on all pet toys and treats.

Let’s hear it for our four-legged friends and acknowledge the role they played in helping us get through everything 2020 has thrown at us. We don’t know where we would be without them!

Article, PetGuest User