On the Go Granola Bars

This whole recipe can be prepared for less than $2/serving
thanks to our Co+op Basics Program!


  • 1 cup pitted organic dates*
  • 1/4 cup local honey*
  • 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter*
  • 1 cup roasted organic almonds, chopped*
  • 1 1/2 cup organic rolled oats* (GF option*)

* = available in bulk
bold = part of our Co+op Basics Program


  • Run dates in a food processor until bits are small (1 minute)
  • Optional: Toast oats in 350 oven until golden brown (15 minutes)
  • Combine oats, almonds, and dates in a bowl
  • In a small saucepan, warm honey and peanut butter over low heat, stirring until combined
  • Stir in oat mixture slowly until well combined
  • Line a 8x8" baking dish with parchment paper or plastic wrap
  • Pour in mixture and press down until flattened (be careful of the temperature)
  • Cover pan and place in fridge until hardened (15 minutes)
  • Take hardened mixture from pan and chop into desired bar size