Meal in Minutes: Blood Orange Salad

This simple yet delicious salad serves four people and only takes a few minutes to prep. Perfect for a light, refreshing snack or side dish!


  • 3 organic Cara Cara oranges, cut
  • 6 organic Blood Oranges, cut ($1.00/lb off until 1/26!)
  • 1/4 organic red onion, sliced thin
  • Handful of mint, sliced thin (save a few whole leaves for garnish)
  • Your vinaigrette of choice (about 1/2 cup)


  • Assemble all citrus and red onions in a bowl
  • Toss lightly with about half of the vinaigrette
  • Top with mint and sheep's milk feta (plus anything extra you want on there, like avocados or nuts!)
  • Drizzle the remaining vinaigrette over the top, and enjoy!
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