Help Rebuild the Wilsey Ranch

Homestead Natural Foods has been a key vendor at Boise Co-op for quite a few years. To us at Boise Co-op, they are much more than a company we buy products from. They are important community members and business partners that have similar aspirations to our own - of being dedicated to improving the quality of life in Treasure Valley.

Due to the brush fire burning near the Idaho/Oregon border, The Wilseys from Homestead Natural Foods have lost everything but their home and their cows. They are in need of assistance to raise $50,000 in order to feed their cows and ensure the continued success of their business.

We think that many Co-op co-owners will want to support Homestead in their time of need. Boise Co-op is matching donations, dollar for dollar up to $10,000  from Co-op co-owners who provide support for their farm. Many small donations by our co-owners will show Homestead how much appreciation we have for the work that they do.

To donate to the Wilseys, please go to this page. In the comments, simply write “Co-op Member” or Co-op Co-owner” and we will match your donation.

UPDATE: You can now also donate in-store at the registers if you prefer not to donate online. Just ask a cashier, and we'll match your donation.

Thank you for helping us to support our local producers in this time of need, and ensure the long-term stability and success of agriculture in our region.

In cooperation,

The Boise Co-op Board of Directors

A little information about the Wilsey Ranch, from the Go Fund Me site: 

Wilsey Ranch
Wilsey Ranch has been family owned and operated for 30 years. Our cattle and pigs
are ran on intensively managed range in the Owyhee mountains their entire lives, feeding on a unique mix of grass and forbs. We supplement the cattle with ranch-raised hay in the winter months, and they are finished on irrigated meadows in the summer. The pigs are supplemented with all natural feed. They are not given hormones, antibiotics, animal byproducts, or genetically modified feeds; they are as natural as an animal can get. We handle our animals humanely and with respect. We provide them with a stress free life.

Our mission is to produce a healthy, nutritious, sustainable product, with a minimal impact on the environment. To care for the land for future generations.

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