4 Wellness Secrets from the Boise Co-op Crew

Here are some of our favorite ways to stay healthy, relaxed, and feeling your best during the challenging winter months.


1. Try a New Skin Routine

Your body’s biggest organ needs extra attention during the cold, dry winter.

  • Daily dry skin brushing increases circulation, helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and is detoxifying. How wonderful! Before the shower, apply a layer of sesame or apricot kernel oil to the entire body. Next, take 2-4 minutes with a long-handled, natural bristle body brush. Begin at your feet, working up the legs, always brushing toward the heart. Do the same when you get to the torso and arms...and don’t forget your back. Be gentle here-no need for hard pressure. Expect your skin to turn red. Finish with a vigorous scalp rub with your fingertips. You will feel alive!

  • My go-to facial scrub is Mychelle Fruit Scrub. Wax jojoba beads, bamboo powder, and fruit acids work together to dissolve dead skin. It’s even a great treatment for the lips, as it’s safe and gentle for that delicate tissue. 

  • Post scrub, I like to apply a generous layer of rosehip oil, spending 3-5 minutes stroking upward and outward to keep the facial muscles firm and lifted. Spending an extra moment to massage the lips will boost collagen, helping to keep them plump. Top rosehip products in my book are Trilogy, Aura Cacia, and Pranarom. All are 100% organic. 

  • To complete the glow, finish with a generous mist of Pranarom Rose Hydrosol. 


2. Maintain Healthy Eating

What you put in your body affects your mood, and we often turn to unhealthy choices in winter. 

  • Sugar monsters got a hold of you? If you need some help getting free, give Gymnema Sylvestre a try. Coined “the sugar destroyer” in India, this herb suppresses the taste of sweetness, making sugary food less appealing. It can aid in weight loss, lower blood sugar, and has a positive impact on insulin secreting-islet cells.

  • Fiber is an essential nutrient for maintaining good heart health and gut motility. Unfortunately, we often don’t get enough of the recommended amounts. Women need 25 grams per day while men can benefit from 38 grams. Consuming fiber in the form of low-calorie fruits and veggies aids in maintaining a healthy weight. Fiber stimulates the intestines and helps maintain blood sugar levels by slowing the breakdown of foods. Look for the foods high in fiber guide at the end of this article and be sure to drink extra water when adding fiber to your diet. 


3. Start a New Sleep Routine

Sleep can be elusive just when we need it the most, right? Try these tips for the best rest.

  • During times of stress and uncertainty, a busy mind and an overactive adrenal gland can wake us in the wee hours of the morning. This can contribute to a host of health issues- impaired cognitive functions, disrupted immune systems, mood swings,  and poor balance. 

  • Try Gaia Sleep Thru. It contains herbs like Ashwagandha and Magnolia bark to help maintain a steady sleep cycle throughout the night. 

  • Rescue Remedy Sleep is another great sleep ally. It is a blend of 5 flower essences that gently work to calm frayed nerves. 


4. Fill Your Home with Refreshing Scents

Clear your mind and fill your house with some of Cathy’s favorite essential oil blends. Add to water in a spray bottle or a diffuser.

I love smelling good. Here are a couple of recipes to make your own scent using essential oils. Explore what you have on hand and we can also help guide you through. 

Recipe #1: Warm like a breeze

  • 1 oz Jojoba oil 

  • 10 drops bergamot 

  • 7 drops clary sage 

  • 7 drops sandalwood 

Recipe #2: Bright days 

  • 1 oz Jojoba oil 

  • 10 drops lavender  

  • 10 drops lemon

  • 5 drops rose