2-Ingredient Gluten Free Chocolate Cake

All you need is 2 ingredients to make this deliciously decadent gluten-free chocolate cake recipe!


  • 8 large eggs

  • 1 pound semisweet chocolate chips


Begin by preheating your oven to 350F and greasing a 9-inch baking pan with butter. Line the pan with cut-out parchment paper, and then pour some boiling water into a separate baking pan and place it on the lowest oven rack. This will create moist air in the oven while baking.

To melt the chocolate, use a hot bath method by filling a pot with an inch or two of simmering water. Place a heat-proof bowl over the pot (without touching the water), add the chocolate to the bowl, and stir occasionally until the chocolate is melted. Avoid getting any water in the chocolate.

Carefully remove the bowl from the pot once the chocolate is melted.

Using a stand mixer, beat the eggs on high speed for about 5 minutes or until they double in size.

Next, using a spatula, fold ⅓ of the egg mixture into the melted chocolate until you see a few streaks of the egg mixture. Be careful not to over-mix. Repeat this step until all of the egg mixture is folded with the chocolate mixture.

Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan and place it on the middle oven rack. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Let it cool, then remove the parchment paper from the bottom and place your chocolate cake on a plate. Garnish with berries (100% optional) and melted chocolate, cut a slice, and enjoy this scrumptious Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake!

Recipe Courtesy of Munchkin Time Blog.

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