Rolling Hills Peonies


Tucked away down a dead end road in Star, Idaho, sits the enchanting 5 acre plot of Anju and Albert. Anju is the greenhouse nursery manager at Edwards Greenhouse in Boise, and her expertise and love of plants really comes through when you walk around the property--it is covered in beautiful flowers of all kinds. But the real treat is the large plot of peonies behind the house. Shocks of blossoms in yellow, white, crimson, salmon, and coral are made all the more vibrant by the background of their deep green leaves. Anju is thrilled to live in a climate where peonies thrive, and it's easy to see why. Walking among the rows of peonies is a pretty incredible way to spend a Monday morning.

The peony season is brief but intense. While these flowers are only harvested for 3-4 weeks in the late spring, they bloom like crazy in that time span. Anju and Albert harvest every morning and evening, about 500 stems per day. They sell exclusively to the Boise Co-op, and have for 3 years now, which makes us feel pretty special!

Rolling Hills Snapshot

  • Started selling to the Boise Co-op in 2014

  • They have over 600 peony plants!

  • Peony varieties at their farm include single, double, Itoh, and bomb

  • Peony plants can live for 150 years, and are very drought-tolerant

  • The season is brief! Keep an eye out for them in mid to late May, and get them while you can