Latest news from the Village at Meridian!

If you've driven by our construction site at the Village at Meridian recently, you've probably noticed that it's starting to look more like a real store. All of the walls are up, and we now have a roof! Over the next few weeks, we'll be setting down concrete floors to walk on, and popping holes in the roof for skylights. We love natural skylight, both for its sustainability and the wonderful atmosphere it brings, so we're slated to have 20 large skylights throughout the store.

As we mentioned in our last update, the new store will have the same products that you've become accustomed to shopping at the North End store. However, there will also be some cool new products and features. For instance, in addition to all of the great bulk products we already have, we're going to bring in a flour and polenta grinder! What better way to enjoy locally grown wheat and corn than to be able to grind it yourself?

Our amazing construction teams are hard at work to get the store open this fall. Stop on by to see the latest project, and keep checking back for more updates!

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