Wellness Tuesday Tips: Keto
Ratio of food intake to get into and maintain ketosis is 70-80% fat, 10-15% protein, 5-10% carbs
In lieu of making a New Year’s resolution, I decided to choose an intention for 2019. It just feels better, cultivating what I wish to manifest in my life, rather than imposing restrictions. Who needs more of those? Create is my word to explore, tend and grow, with a sense of wonder.
“Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious.”
-Ruth Reichl
Curious about the Ketogenic lifestyle, yet resistant to conforming to a particular protocol, it was set on the back burner. After connecting with someone who simplified the science behind Keto, I dove in. It’s incredibly helpful to have a guide along the way.
What you are asking your body to do is burn fat as fuel instead of glucose, providing a stable source of energy. Our brains are made of fat, as well as the myelin sheath that is a fatty insulating layer protecting our nerves. I’ve already noticed improved sleep, weight loss, increased mental focus and zero sugar crashes. That is after getting through the Keto flu.
Include healthy fats, coconut oil, avocado, nuts and seeds
Limit carb consumption bread, pasta, crackers, and beans, fruit
Get regular exercise
Utilize electrolytes ~ pink salt
Stay hydrated
In March I will be hosting a keto book club at Uncorked, your personal guide along the keto trek. Demystifying the hype, sharing the science and navigating the pitfalls. Together we will explore all the ways to make it simple, satisfying and yes, fun.