Wellness Tuesday Tips

Four tips to stay happy, healthy and relaxed as you juggle travel or hosting guests with the unexpected moments of chaos that often accompany holiday festivities.  

  1. Get some sunshine! Carve out time for a walk in nature. Our bodies utilize vitamin D3 to strengthen bones, improve mood and support the immune system. No time? Add a vitamin D3 supplement to your daily vitamin.

  2. Don’t skip meals. We naturally want to eat more this time of year for extra insulation from chilly winds and pesky bugs. Stabilize blood sugar by keeping regular meal times.

  3. Sweat it out. Release toxins and tension at the gym or with yoga.  Or simply run around the block three times. Exercise reduces the stress hormone cortisol and revs up metabolism, leaving room for a second slice of pie.

  4. Massage.  A warming, full body self-massage with sesame oil protects skin, calms the nerves, and makes you feel good all over. Aim for 5-10 minutes three times a week after showering or before bed. Turn down the brain volume with this essential oils blend:

Peace Out Blend

  • 2 oz bottle of sesame oil or Argan oil                   

  • 6 drops ylang ylang                              

  • 3 drops cedarwood                              

  • 2 drops cardamom     

What are your favorite ways to  stay balanced through the holiday busyness?

Article, wellnessGuest User