We Are Working on becoming a Safe Zone!

The Boise Co-op is a safe and inclusive place for the LGBTQ Community! Why did we announce this? The main reason is that the LGBTQ community often questions whether they will feel safe, accepted, or supported in a new space. We want everyone to feel comfortable being themselves when they’re at the Boise Co-op, and be themselves. Home is always your first space, work your second, and many consider The Boise Co-op a third space. As a communal gathering space, everyone should always feel safe.

We will be displaying Safe Zone stickers and demonstrating the commitment we’re making to creating LGBTQ-inclusive environments. As the Boise Co-op, making our campus a safe zone aligns with our core values of everyone being welcome. Our staff is prepared to take action if anyone, for any reason, feels unwelcome or is discriminated against.

Our goal here is to let the community know that we are allies, we will always be LGBTQ-inclusive, welcoming of everyone, and affirming. Hopefully, we can inspire other local business to be a safe zone and start a Boise Safe Zone Registry.