Rock the Vote 2016!

A Message from the Board of Directors

Hello fellow Co-Owners/Members of the Boise Co-op. Before talking about the election for our Co-op Board of Directors, allow me to share a few thoughts with you. First, thank you for being a Co-Owner of the Boise Co-op! Your commitment and dedication to our Co-op is making the world a better place – and that is not an exaggeration. Second, please join me in thanking our dedicated and helpful Staff for everything they do to make our Co-op succeed and thrive. We know it’s hard work, and we really appreciate our staff.

Finally, let’s celebrate “Two Stores, One Co-op” incorporating The North End Store and The Village Store. We opened the Village Store late last year – literally rising from bare ground in March 2015 to a state-of-the-art Co-op store by November 2015, a monumental event in our history. This broadened our outreach to a wider audience; namely, a community increasingly interested in what the Boise Co-op offers. Among other benefits, this expansion produces more and better jobs to a growing population, supports and increases the market for healthier food and for local vendors, and builds stronger community ties.  We also increased the number of our Co-Owners (Members) by several thousand since then. In short, we are using our resources to improve the quality of life in our community. Not bad for“just buying some groceries”!

 Board of Directors Election

 Every year, three of the nine director positions are open for election by the Co-Owners. Voting started Friday, August 19 and runs through Monday, September 5. We will share the results with you around the time of our Co-op’s Annual Meeting on Monday, October 10th. RSVP here!

The Board is engaged in ongoing work developing and implementing new and better ways to help our Co-op thrive in a time of changing demographics, more competitive markets and other forces shaping our community. A key principle of the Boise Co-op is democratic control by Co-Owners. We are fortunate to have five well-qualified and dedicated candidates for you to decide on. This is a great opportunity to make your voice heard by electing the directors.

 Information about the candidates and about voting can be found here. You may also find useful information in both stores and by talking to Staff. Additionally, candidates and directors will be available to visit with you at election tables near the front of both stores during the election period, especially on First Friday, September 2nd.

 Please help us achieve true democratic control by voting for up to three candidates of your choice. You will help shape our Boise Co-op by participating in this important moment.


Steve Lester

President, Boise Co-op Board of Directors