Roast Beef Sandwich

Kick off the school year right with a classic Roast Beef Sandwich, perfect for a hearty lunch that'll keep you energized through the day!


  • 3 bread slices toasted

  • 2 tablespoons mayo

  • 2 lettuce leaves washed & pat dry

  • 1 tomato sliced

  • 6-8 roast beef slices, or to taste

  • 4 pepper jack cheese, or to taste


First, toast 3 bread slices in a toaster.

Next, spread mayo over the bread slices.

After, place 2 lettuce leaves over the first bread slice, followed by sliced tomatoes, then cover with the second bread slice.

Spread mayo over the top and add 2 slices of pepper jack cheese. Add slices of roast beef, followed by 2 slices of cheese and the last slice of bread spread with mayo.

Add 4 sandwich sticks and cut the roast beef sandwich into 4 triangle pieces. Take a bite & enjoy!

Recipe Courtesy of Munchkin Time Blog.

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