November Cheese of the Month: Mifroma Gruyère


Produced since 1115 in the area surrounding the little village of Gruyère in Western Switzerland, this much-loved cheese is still made in local dairies according to the original traditional recipe. With its distinctive, buttery, caramel flavor, this is one of Switzerland’s greatest cheeses and can be enjoyed “mild” or “mature”.

The character of this superior cheese is due to its specific production methods, which, in accordance with AOP requirements, remain true to the original recipe and follow time-honored techniques. Gruyère AOP is prepared from the finest fresh milk from cows fed on grass during the summer and hay during the winter. The use of any additives is prohibited. 

After two or three months’ maturation, the Gruyère AOP wheels arrive at the Mifroma caverns from local village dairies. The cheese is then ripened over several months in sandstone caves that benefit from 96% humidity and a constant temperature of 55.4° F. 

It is in this exceptional environment that Gruyère AOP acquires its succulent character. During the five-month maturation period, the cheese rounds are regularly turned and brushed with salt water. These proven methods, an extended aging process and the great care given to this majestic product confer Gruyère AOP its incomparable flavor. 

Gruyère AOP takes pride of place on any cheese board. A savory end to any meal, this fine cheese lends itself to the preparation of tasty hot dishes and is a key ingredient in authentic Swiss fondue. 

The fruity taste of the Gruyère AOP wheels varies according to their maturity. Gruyère AOP Mild has buttery notes, hints of almond and caramel and a slightly elastic texture.

Gruyère Fondue

  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 teaspoon grated shallots
  • 1 cup dry white wine (more if desired)
  • 1 Lb. grated Gruyère cheese
  • 2 tablespoons unbleached white flour
  • A pinch of ground nutmeg
  • Salt and White Pepper to Taste
  • 1 local baguette, cut into 1-inch cubes (or try with our Housemade Crostini)

1.    Dredge the cheese in the flour. Place the wine and the shallots in a heavy pot over medium heat and bring to a light simmer.

2.    Stir in the cheese a little at a time until the mixture is smooth and all of the cheese is melted. Add the remaining ingredients and transfer to a fondue pot or individual stoneware ramekins.

3.    Serve with crusty bread.


Content thanks to Mifroma.