Million Meals in March Kickoff

Thank You Boise Co-op Shoppers for Helping with
The Million Meals in March Kickoff!

First Fridays at The Boise Co-op is always a hustling and bustling day for us. Each and every month, The Boise Co-op hosting a First Friday event! Shoppers join us for our biggest monthly store-wide sale! During this monthly event you’ll enjoy live local music, wine, beer and delicious tastings from our local vendors.

The Boise Co-op in the North End helped kick off the Million Meals in March campaign. Donations of food and funds is always highest in the months of November and December. Unfortunately, the risk of hunger and food insecurity is not limited to the holidays. The Foodbank works with more than 400 community partners to raise awareness of the ongoing battle with hunger. For every dollar donated, The Idaho Foodbank produces five meals for hungry Idahoans. On March 2nd, the Co-ops’ North End shoppers helped make a difference. The Boise Co-op donated 3% of sales to The  Idaho Food Bank raising  $2,215. On behalf of the Idaho families The Idaho Foodbank serves, the donation will provide 11,075 meals.

On behalf of The Boise Co-op and The Idahofood Bank we want to thank everyone for choosing to shop this First Friday! Without our customers, we wouldn’t be able to make our contributions.

Learn more about the great work the Idaho Food Bank is doing at their website.