Members to remember: Ralph and Carol Myers


When Co-op members Ralph and Carol Myers are able to take a break from biking, gardening, trail hiking, fishing, snowshoeing, bee keeping, concert attending and art enjoying, they stop at the Co-op for a variety of organic foods.

With a schedule like that, it’s amazing they have time to sleep and breathe, let alone spend time with us!

Ralph’s father owned a small grocery store in Louisiana in the 1960s, so he greatly appreciates the community atmosphere and natural friendships at the Co-op.

“We think it’s what a grocery store should be,” said Carol, who has been a member for 20 years (Ralph for 10 years).

They love the expertise of the Co-op staff as they help Ralph and Carol track down or order specific items. Whether its 25-pound bags of oats or fresh turmeric, they get what they need with ease.

It’s a good thing, too, because these folks don’t have time to dilly-dally. There are pathways to cruises, bees to tend and a city to explore.

A pair of our coolest friends, for sure. Thanks, Ralph and Carol, for taking ownership!

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