June Cheese of the Month

Graskaas from Beemster Premium Dutch Cheese


Can you recall the elation you feel when you see the first daffodil of spring, piercing through the last remaining snow drifts? That's how our cows feel when they can finally leave the barns after winter and have the freedom to run and play. Best of all, they can enjoy their first meal of the Beemster Polder’s fresh and delicious grasses. We use their first spring milk to make this limited-edition cheese, and it’s the creamiest cheese of the year. We're pretty sure you can taste the happiness.

Graskaas is made only once a year.

Once Winter has thawed and the spring grass in the Beemster Polder has grown, the cows are let out into the fields. They joyfully run, jump and play - and feast on the first grass of the season.

We make Graskaas from the first milking of Spring. It's the richest, creamiest and sweetest milk of the season. We capture the fresh, sweet, joyful flavor of Spring in Graskaas.

Graskaas is a seasonal and specialty cheese that is aged for 1 month. The texture is extra smooth with a sweet and fresh taste. Pairs really well with Rosé Wines!


Content Thanks To Beemster!