How to Celebrate Earth Day During COVID-19

We're all feeling the impact, COVID-19 pandemic has changed our Earth Day plans. All events and celebrations for Earth Day have been canceled. This year, it’s a very special year for Earth Day. 2020 marks a special milestone as the 50th anniversary. But, how do we celebrate while we're working from home? 

Things you can do at home to celebrate and support Earth Day:

  1. Go outside! Online school and working from home can be strenuous on the body because staying inside all day can be wearisome. To help break up your day and boost your spirits, enjoy nature and go on a hike, walk, or run in the evening with the whole family.

  2. Grow Your Own Food! Welcome spring by planting some fruits and vegetables you can harvest. Get your hands in the soil and feel the earth underneath you. It's not only a great work out, but it's also excellent for your mental health as well. 

  3. Start a Compost Pile! Everyone has been locked up at home, we can only imagine how much trash has been building up. Help reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill by composting your food waste. Your garden will be left with incredibly rich fertilizer.  

  4. Plant a Tree! Friday, April 24th marks the date for Arbor Day. Everyone is encouraged to plant native trees. 

Learning how to adapt during these unprecedented times sometimes means just doing the little things - in turn we’ll collectively begin to make a large impact on the planet!