Alaffia Eyeglass Drive

Got an old pair of eyeglasses or sunglasses laying around that you never use? Put them to good use by dropping them off in the donation box in our Wellness department! It's an easy way to improve the lives of the visually disabled in Tongo. Optometrists are few and far between in Tongo, and eye exams alone can cost as much as four month's wages. 50% of the children in institutions for the blind in Africa would be able to read print if they had eyeglasses, and yet over 4 billion eyeglasses are thrown away every year in North america. 

You can bring your glasses to our Wellness section between April 1 and June 30.

Our goal is to reach at least 20 eyeglasses per box.


This drive is part of Alaffia's campaign to support the visually disabled in Tongo. Alaffia was founded by a Tongolese native as a way to further community advancement project in his country in order to reduce poverty and gender inequality. 

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