2017 Annual Membership Meeting & Community Celebration

This year’s Annual Meeting took place at the newly opened JUMP campus in downtown Boise. The event was a great success and everyone attending said they had a good time. We had 150 people attend, more than double last year!

Board President Shannon opened the meeting, introducing each of the newly elected Board members as well as the current Board. Board Vice President Jay informed the members that the current state of the Co-op’s financial position is sound and continues to get stronger. Kristy, the new General Manager, conveyed some of the major changes happening within the stores, such as the new eco-friendly freezer cases.

Was there a favorite activity at the event? Noi’s potstickers were a big hit, and almost every bit of the food for sampling was consumed. (If you want to learn how to make wontons, sign up for the class Noi will have in December at the Village Store) Were the many prizes and the marvelous gift baskets that were given away the number one hit at the event? Who knows, but the activity that everyone one seemed to get involved with was the art project that outgoing Board member Becky Anderson led. It started with a 24”X16” photograph that was cut up into 64 symmetrical pieces that were used as a template. Everyone painted their portion on a 4”X6” piece of water color paper. The 64 paintings were then combined to create a larger representation of the original photograph. The final piece of art will be framed and hung in the North End store to remind us that everyone plays a part in creating our community.

The Board would like to express their thanks to everyone who helped make this Annual Meeting one of the best the Co-op has ever had!